What is Git? How will it help you?

What is Git? How will it help you?


What is Git?

Git is a version control system that helps you keep track of changes in your project. It is free, open-source, and distributed. Git can keep track of the smallest of changes, no matter how large your project is, giving you complete control over all the versions of your project.

But hey, what do I mean by keeping track of changes? What does a version control system mean? Don't worry, let me form words in a beginner-friendly way -

A version control system is basically a tool that helps you manage all sorts of changes to your software code. Since Git is a version control system, it allows you to -

  1. Store all your code
  2. Manage & Track changes
  3. Make your code available for others to use

For example - Say you drafted code for a portfolio page yesterday. Now, you made some further changes but it didn't reflect as expected. What do you do? How do you plan to get back to the older working version of your portfolio? Yes, the version-control system (Git) helps you do that.

Git is a distributed version control system which makes the third point valid. The term Distributed refers to the feature where the whole source code, along with all the versions, is available on everyone's computer. This feature allows other people to access, save, and modify the source code as per their requirements. This is how, people from different places and countries, come together and make things happen!

How will you benefit from Git?

Now you know that Git helps you manage your code. Moreover, it also helps you upload, outsource, or store your code. There are a few cloud-based hosting services that let you do that. For example - BitBucket, Github, GitLab, etc.

GitHub! People's favorite! GitHub is the most popular hosting service that lets you store your personal projects, code, and open-source projects.

If you are a developer, in most cases, GitHub ends up as your portfolio. A great GitHub profile allows clients & recruiters to look at the projects you've worked on, how often you contribute, and all those metrics.

Git & GitHub combined help you -

  1. Save your code for life.
  2. Collaborate with other developers and work together.
  3. Track changes in the project since its inception!
  4. Find people working on similar projects
  5. Build your Public Portfolio! C'mon!


Now that you know what Git is and how it can benefit you, I recommend you start using Git & GitHub. Whether you write a one-liner or end up making a whole project, upload every one of it on GitHub, and try to do so using Git commands. I'm a corporate professional and with experience, I'm telling you that Git is important. I was asked about Git during my job interview and project interview as well.

Since the world beyond studies and mini-projects is doing so much more, it becomes important to be aware of version control systems. Almost a necessity!

Hence, it doesn't matter what project you're working on or whatever code you write, include Git commands and GitHub repositories. Climb your way up the ladder. One by One.

Happy Coding! Happy Git-ting! xD.